Everything needed to grow and fruit your own mushrooms
It’s as simple as injecting your bag with your choice of spores/culture (2-3ccs)
Allow the mycelium to colonize the grain, then mix your grain and substrate all together.
Let your bag consolidate for 2-3 weeks, then breakdown in your fruiting chamber.
Contents Included: One Modified and One unmodified 5.6 Liter Tub, One ~1LB Grain Bag , One ~5LB Substrate Bag , Micropore tape roll, electrical tape, spray bottle, tub liner, masks x2
Purchased Separately: Gloves,99% Isopropyl alcohol, RODI or Distilled or Filtered Water, “inoculation” contents of your choosing, SAB better known as (still air box) can be useful in decreasing the risk of contamination, although is not necessary.